Armed Robbers Posing As Candy Sellers Injure Elderly Woman In Her Home

Armed robbers used the gun to robbery the money

Photo: Getty Images

Authorities in Illinois are searching for a group of suspects accused of injuring a woman in her 70s during a home invasion and robbery. Police said a female suspect rang the woman's doorbell posing as a candy seller.

The woman refused to buy any candy and closed the door. When the woman answered the door after the bell rang for a second time, a male suspect armed with a handgun was outside, shoved the woman to the ground, and forced his way inside the home.

The female suspect held the woman at gunpoint while two men ransacked her home.

The woman's son, Voytek Sak, told WLS that his mother tried to escape, but they attacked her, causing her to suffer minor injuries.

"They ran after her, pulled her back violently, slamming her to the floor and then dragging her into the kitchen, and then kicking her," he said.

The three suspects then fled in a white Kia Optima, which was driven by a fourth person.

"The main priority of the police department is the safety of the community," the Oak Lawn Police Department said in a statement. "We will continue to actively pursue those involved in this case and all other acts of violence and crime. We plan on utilizing every resource at our disposal that will assist in the arrest of those involved."

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